Groin injuries has been one of the most common cause of
stay out the game and/or for poor performance on field.
Groin Pain or injuries found to be one of the most prevalent variety of Sports injury especially in contact sports like Running, football, badminton, tennis and also in golf.
Groin Pain or injuries found to be one of the most prevalent variety of Sports injury especially in contact sports like Running, football, badminton, tennis and also in golf.
incidence of groin pain is very high in Indian athletics probably due
to incomplete information about preventive strategies or not following the preventive measures and also most of time due the inappropriate physical or physiological fitness.
Risk of groin injuries varies from different disciplines of sports and
the intensity of Sports activity. Highly prone sports are soccer/Foot
ball, tennis, badminton, running, cricket.
Source of groin injuries is commonly from musculoskeletal system
involving either the pubic/ hip joint or lower abdominal/hip adductor
muscles. Rarely it originate from the spine injury or intra-abdominal organs.
Most frequently seen groin injuries are:
- Pubic strain/ ostitis pubis: Pubic symphysis (Pelvic Pain) injury due to twisting activity or repetitive loading of the joint with poor stability of core.
- Adductor tendon sprain: Repetitive stress injury to the inner thigh muscles due to poor physical fitness. {Especially poor warm-up}
- Hip joint Labral injury: Major or minor traumatic event involving twisting of leg during collisions or falls.
- Ilio-psoas muscle sprain: Poor physical fitness, less common.
- Inguvinal Hernia: Rarely seen in contact sports players
Most of the groin injuries can be identified based on physical
examination and may not need sophisticated investigation. But at the time
we may need to evaluate further if physical examination does not revels
concluding results or desire outcome after rehabilitation.
Prevention & Rehabilitation:
Fortunately, most of the groin injuries can be prevented as
they are musculoskeletal and that needs appropriate strategies.
Preventive measures:
- Good physical fitness especially core stability of lumbo-pelvic-hip region which involve lower/upper abdominals, pelvic floor muscles, hip as well as lateral and back muscles.
- Muscular flexibility and strength of hip adductor and flexors.
- Having the knowledge of preventive strategies: "If I know something then I 'll care for it."
- Early detection and complete rehabilitation in the biggest step to prevent disability to participate in game.
Sports specialized
Physiotherapy rehabilitation is first line of management for almost all variety of
groin but rarely it may need surgical procedures like in hip labral
injuries. Rehabilitation
is based on the stage of recovery, amount of injury.

Physiotherapist may opt for LASER
therapy, Kinesio taping, Myofacial Release techniques and
ultimately training the lumbo-pelvic-hip core stability
training in most scientific way to achieve early and better results.
Core stability training got some specific
principles and stages (Motor control principles) to train which need a
specific Musculoskeletal & sports physiotherapist or fitness
trainers to help.
Warm Up: 15 to 20 warm up and warm up techniques is the one which allows you to excel in performance. Do not ignore it!!
Feels Free to contact us for all your queries.
Thank you & Regards
Dr Arun Kumar Rawal, PT
MPT (Musculoskeletal & Sports)
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