Tuesday 30 April 2019

For Runner's: Joint Positional Sense & Injury Prevention

Running related sports injuries are most devastating as well as disabling to run. 

Minor most injury post running could be persistent soreness or major most could be serious Physical or Physiological injuries, can be prevented with specific sports injury preventive measures.   

Frequently seen Running sports injuries: 
We will have descriptive information about each in Future blogs.
  • Shine pain in the legs
  • Cramps 
  • Runner's Knee pain 
  • Acute Knee pains
  • Groin pain 
  • Back Sprain: Stiffness associated Back pain 
  • Heel Pain
  • Thigh pain: Hamstring Muscles pain 
  • Persistent Tightness of muscles etc. 

Most of the running-related musculoskeletal injuries can be prevented or treated with appropriate running specific Physical & Physiological fitness testing. 

Proprioception (Joint positional sense) assessment of ankle & hip is crucial to effectively evaluate the stability and muscles function of the legs and trunk. 

Compromised Proprioception or Joint positional senses become the culprit for high risk for ankle, knee, hip and back injuries. As effective Joint positional senses are the result of good trunk and leg muscles function. This can happen in any sports or physical activity and can be the reason of injury.   

Bio-sensory proprioception analysis can tell us the descriptive values to holistically evaluate a running and stratify the risk of injury. 
Bio-sensory analysis is time saving and cost effective to prevent those devastating and disabiling sports injuries. 

Preventive Physical Therapy and fitness training can help to prevent the injury as well as improve the performance.

Don't get into pain, Enjoy the Run... 

For more details you can contact me directly to me on below mention number. 


Dr. Arun Kumar Rawal, PT
Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapist 

Thursday 25 April 2019

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS): Missing Link to get Relief

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)

General information to understand What is Ankylosing spondylitis, how it affected and how to treat it.

AS is a form of arthritis which can make your neck, lower back and buttocks feel painful and stiff. In some people, gradually it can also affect the shape of the spine.“Ankylosing” means “fusing together”. “Spondylitis” means “inflammation of the spine”, which causes stiffness, tenderness, and discomfort.

The sacroiliac joints are commonly affected in AS. These joints connect the base of your spine to your pelvis. Other joints, such as the hips and shoulders, can also be involved. AS can also affect other parts of the body, such as the eyes, skin, bowel, and lungs. The symptoms of AS usually begin between the ages of 15 and 45 years.

The severity of AS symptoms varies greatly. Some people will have mild neck/back pain and discomfort for short periods; others will have severe pain and stiffness in several parts of the body for a long time. In severe cases, AS can seriously impact on everyday life and lead to disability.

Significant medical advances in recent years mean that new treatments and Physiotherapy Rehabilitation can reduce the pain associated with and symptoms of the condition and help improve the quality of life for people living with AS.

What causes Ankylosing Spondylitis?

At the moment, it is not known exactly what causes AS. However, a combination of environmental and genetic factors may make you more likely to have AS. Environmental factors such as infections may also be involved.

What are the symptoms?

Although the symptoms of AS vary from person to person, and between men and women, they include:


• Pain and stiffness in the lower back and buttocks, worsening over weeks or months.
• Pain and stiffness that is worse in the mornings and during the night, but may be improved by light exercise.
• Mild fever.
• Loss of appetite.
• Pain and tenderness in the ribs, shoulder blades, hips, thighs, and heels.
• Fatigue.
• Mild to moderate anemia (shortage of red blood cells), which can make people pale, tired and short of breath.
• Inflammation of the bowel.
• Inflammation of the eyes (iritis or uveitis), making them painful, watery, red and sensitive to bright light.

How is it diagnosed?

Many people in the early stages of AS think they have common back pain and do not seek help. However, it is important to have AS diagnosed as early as possible as there are many effective treatments available. Your doctor will diagnose AS from your symptoms, a physical examination, and blood tests to measure levels of inflammation. Your doctor may also order x-rays of your spine, but these tests can all be normal in the early stages. If your doctor suspects you have AS you should consult a Rheumatologist, a doctor who specializes in AS.

Can AS be cured?

Currently, there is no cure for AS. However treatment for AS has improved dramatically, with new medicines that are extremely helpful in controlling the condition. Be vary of any products or therapies that claim to cure AS.

What are the right treatments for AS?

A Rheumatology Team: 
  • Patient himself
  • Rheumatologist
  • Specialized Physiotherapist

Your Rheumatologist will tailor your treatment to your symptoms and the severity of your condition. There is no way of predicting exactly which treatment will work best for you. Each treatment has its own benefits and risks. Your doctor may need to try several different treatments before finding the one that is right for you.

Treatment for AS usually involves: Advised medicine and Individually tailored exercise protocol by Physiotherapist.

MPT- Musculoskeletal & Sports Injuries

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Tips to Relieve from Painful Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder
5 tips to Relieve from Painful Frozen Shoulder

Note: Please click on below image files 


Dr Arun Kumar Rawal, PT
MPT (Musculoskeletal & Sports Injuries)

Monday 8 April 2019

Athletes: Take care its Hot now !!

Weather is being hot and in this weather body and muscles demand more fluid & water.

Appropriate fluid intake is crucial for long lasting sports. Especially Runners, football and cricket etc.
Drinking water before, during and after workouts regulates your body heat, supplies nutrients and oxygen to your body and removes waste products.

But are you aware that proper hydration is also an important approach of preventing major injuries ?

Dehydration allows muscles to get fatigue faster and performance goes down significantly due to inadequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles & body.

In hot weather, fluid expenditure to control the body temperature become high and supply to muscles comparatively comes down. That allow muscles to fatigue faster. Fatigue muscles is highly prone to get injured as these muscles are not able to work at their level best due to no energy. Muscles have protective reaction to minor stress or injuries in musculoskeletal system normally but decrease in energy levels compromise this protective mechanism resulting in high risk of injury.

For recovery after sports activity, muscles and soft tissue need sufficient water intake. Insufficient water can affect the post physical exertion recovery. Muscles remain in soreness which results in myofacial tightness.This myofacial tightness affects generalised joint mobility and can be the reason for muscles cramps/catch in the back and hip region.

Symptoms of dehydration include:
  • Dryness of the lips, mouth or tongue
  • Reduced energy
  • Urine changes: Infrequent urination, a small volume of urine, or dark urine
  • A sudden decline in mood, strength, coordination, or the ability to make decisions

Many people don't realize that hydration affects the musculoskeletal system, as well.

Keep Calm and Drink Water.

Thank you

Wednesday 3 April 2019



Computer is an part of our day today life and if we are not healthy then life can be difficult to live happily.
Computer users who spend maximum time with computers and mouse ie IT professionals, accountants etc, are always on risk to develop multiple work related musculoskeletal health disorders, Mouse syndrome is one of them.
Almost all variety of work related musculoskeletal health disorders are due to repetitive stress to muscles or joints because of poor posture during work or weak muscles strength and joint mobility as well as flexibility.


Long duration work with pronated forearm and poor physical exercise does not allow pronator to maintain flexibility to have complete supination movement.


Tightness of pronator muscles induced repetitive stress to common wrist extensors at the side of the elbow and being the cause of irritation to the muscles (lateral epidonylitis) of the same.
Patient presents with elbow pain as in tennis elbow because the patho mechanics is the same in the joint and muscles, causative factor is mouse !!

Best method to prevent mouse induce elbow pain is to start forearm muscles flexibility and regular exercises. 

To rehabilitate the pain, along with the flexibility and mobility you need to start correcting ergonomics, regular exercises and if required consult a Physiotherapist. 


Dr Arun Kumar Rawal, PT
MPT {Musculoskeletal & Sports Rehabilitation}